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- /* ACE pre-processor.
- ** Copyright (C) 1998 David Benn
- **
- ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- functions: 1. #INCLUDE "name"|<name> -- recursive file inclusion.
- 2. '.. -- single-line comment.
- 3. {..} -- block comment.
- Author: David J Benn
- Date: 4th,5th,7th,8th July 1992,
- 27th,29th December 1992,
- 26th,30th January 1993,
- 2nd,6th February 1993,
- 24th,25th December 1993,
- 2nd January 1994
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- static char *version = "$VER: APP 1.1 (02.01.1994)";
- #define MAXCHARS 80
- /* exit codes */
- #define OK 0
- #define ERR 10
- /* errors */
- #define SRC_EQ_DEST 0
- #define CANT_OPEN_DEST 1
- #define CANT_OPEN_SRC 2
- #define NODE_ALLOC_ERR 3
- #define NAME_ALLOC_ERR 4
- /* linked-list of #included files */
- typedef struct incl_file_list {
- char *filename;
- FILE *src;
- struct incl_file_list *next;
- } INCL;
- INCL *incl,*curr_incl,*new_incl;
- FILE *dest;
- /* redefine ZC's CTRL-C testing function to do nothing! */
- long Chk_Abort() { return 0; }
- /* external functions */
- extern void *alloc();
- extern void free_alloc();
- /* functions */
- void usage();
- void _error();
- BOOL isalpha();
- void user_break();
- void preprocess();
- void create_incl_list();
- BOOL incl_file_exists();
- void enter_incl_filename();
- void kill_incl_list();
- void clear_ctrl_c();
- void usage()
- {
- puts("usage: APP <source> <destination>");
- exit(ERR);
- }
- void _error(n,filename)
- int n;
- char *filename;
- {
- switch(n)
- {
- case SRC_EQ_DEST : puts("source and destination must be different files.");
- break;
- case CANT_OPEN_DEST : printf("can't open destination file: %s\n",filename);
- break;
- case CANT_OPEN_SRC : printf("can't open source file: %s\n",filename);
- break;
- case NODE_ALLOC_ERR : puts("can't allocate memory for file list node.");
- kill_incl_list();
- fclose(dest);
- break;
- case NAME_ALLOC_ERR : puts("can't allocate memory for file list member.");
- kill_incl_list();
- fclose(dest);
- break;
- }
- /* clean up and exit */
- free_alloc();
- exit(ERR);
- }
- void create_incl_list()
- {
- /* create head of include file list */
- incl = (INCL *)alloc(sizeof(INCL),MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (incl == NULL) _error(NODE_ALLOC_ERR," ");
- else
- { curr_incl = incl; incl->next = NULL; }
- }
- BOOL incl_file_exists(name)
- char *name;
- {
- INCL *curr;
- /* report whether an include file is
- on the list.
- */
- curr = incl->next; /* start with first node after head */
- while (curr != NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp(curr->filename,name) == 0)
- return(TRUE);
- else
- curr = curr->next;
- }
- return(FALSE); /* name not found */
- }
- void enter_incl_filename(name,src)
- char *name;
- FILE *src;
- {
- /* add an include filename to the list
- if it doesn't already exist.
- */
- if (incl_file_exists(name)) return; /* name is already on the list */
- /* allocate memory for a new list node */
- if ((new_incl = (INCL *)alloc(sizeof(INCL),MEMF_PUBLIC))==NULL)
- _error(NODE_ALLOC_ERR," ");
- /* allocate memory for a name in the new node */
- if ((new_incl->filename = (char *)alloc(strlen(name)+1,MEMF_PUBLIC))==NULL)
- _error(NAME_ALLOC_ERR," ");
- /* fill new node */
- strcpy(new_incl->filename,name);
- new_incl->src=src;
- new_incl->next = NULL;
- curr_incl->next = new_incl;
- curr_incl = curr_incl->next;
- }
- void kill_incl_list()
- {
- INCL *curr,*temp;
- BOOL past_head=FALSE;
- /* close #included files */
- curr=incl; /* head of list */
- do
- {
- temp=curr;
- curr=curr->next;
- if (past_head)
- if (temp->src) fclose(temp->src); /* close the file */
- if (!past_head) past_head=TRUE;
- }
- while (curr != NULL);
- }
- BOOL isalpha(ch)
- char ch;
- {
- if (((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) ||
- ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))) return(TRUE);
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- void user_break()
- {
- /* if user has hit ctrl-c, cleanup and abort. */
- {
- puts("*** Break: app terminating.");
- kill_incl_list();
- fclose(dest);
- free_alloc();
- exit(ERR);
- }
- }
- void preprocess(srcfile)
- char *srcfile;
- {
- FILE *src;
- char ch,buf[MAXCHARS],incl_name[MAXCHARS],incl_path[MAXCHARS+11];
- int cc,i,blk_comment_lines;
- BOOL block_comment,command,incl_dir;
- BOOL inside_string_literal=FALSE;
- if (incl_file_exists(srcfile)) return; /* file has already been included */
- else
- if ((src=fopen(srcfile,"r")) == NULL)
- printf("can't open %s\n",srcfile);
- else
- {
- enter_incl_filename(srcfile,src); /* record this file as #included */
- do
- {
- /* check for user break */
- user_break();
- block_comment=FALSE;
- command=FALSE;
- incl_dir=FALSE;
- ch=fgetc(src);
- /* single-line comment */
- if (ch == '\'' && !inside_string_literal)
- while (((ch=fgetc(src)) != '\n') && (ch != EOF));
- else
- /* multi-line comment */
- if (ch == '{' && !inside_string_literal)
- {
- blk_comment_lines=0;
- while (((ch=fgetc(src)) != '}') && (ch != EOF))
- if (ch == '\n') ++blk_comment_lines;
- block_comment = TRUE; /* don't want to copy "}" to dest file */
- /* send LF characters to dest file to keep line numbers
- the same as in the source file for errors etc.
- */
- for (i=1;i<=blk_comment_lines;i++) fputc('\n',dest);
- }
- else
- /* start or end of string literal? */
- if (ch == '"')
- {
- if (!inside_string_literal) inside_string_literal = TRUE; /* start */
- else
- inside_string_literal = FALSE; /* end */
- }
- else
- /* pre-processor # command? */
- if (ch == '#')
- {
- /* pre-processor command may follow */
- cc=0;
- do
- {
- ch=fgetc(src);
- if (isalpha(ch)) buf[cc++]=ch;
- }
- while (isalpha(ch) && (cc < MAXCHARS));
- buf[cc]='\0';
- strupr(buf);
- /* legal command? */
- if ((strcmp(buf,"INCLUDE") == 0) &&
- ((ch == '"') || (ch == '<') || (ch == ' ')))
- {
- command=TRUE;
- /* get file name */
- cc=0;
- do
- {
- /* skip whitespace */
- while ((ch <= ' ') && (ch != EOF)) ch=fgetc(src);
- /* look for file in local include directory? */
- if (ch == '<') incl_dir=TRUE;
- ch=fgetc(src);
- if ((ch != '"') && (ch != '>') && (ch != EOF) &&
- (ch != '\n') && (cc < MAXCHARS)) incl_name[cc++]=ch;
- }
- while ((ch != '"') && (ch != '>') && (ch != EOF) && (ch != '\n') &&
- (cc < MAXCHARS));
- /* use local include directory? */
- if (incl_dir)
- strcpy(incl_path,"ACEinclude:");
- else
- incl_path[0]='\0';
- incl_name[cc]='\0';
- strcat(incl_path,incl_name);
- preprocess(incl_path);
- /* skip the last '"' */
- ch=fgetc(src);
- }
- else
- fprintf(dest,"#%s",buf); /* just copy '#' and characters */
- }
- /* just copy character to dest */
- if ((ch != EOF) && !command && !block_comment) fputc(ch,dest);
- }
- while (ch != EOF);
- }
- }
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- FILE *src;
- int result;
- printf("ACE preprocessor version 1.1, copyright ");
- putchar(169);
- printf(" 1992-1994 David Benn.\n");
- if (argc != 3) usage();
- /* are the two arguments the same? */
- if (strcmp(argv[1],argv[2]) == 0) _error(SRC_EQ_DEST," ");
- /* test for existence of source file */
- if ((src=fopen(argv[1],"r")) == NULL) _error(CANT_OPEN_SRC,argv[1]);
- fclose(src); /* this is opened again by preprocess() */
- /* try to open destination file */
- if ((dest=fopen(argv[2],"w")) == NULL) _error(CANT_OPEN_DEST,argv[2]);
- open_intui_lib();
- create_incl_list();
- preprocess(argv[1]);
- kill_incl_list();
- fclose(dest);
- free_alloc();
- exit(OK);
- }